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Real Estate in and around Louisville, Kentucky.
Real estate in Louisville, Kentucky, can vary in price and availability depending on the specific location and type of property you are looking for. The city is known for its diverse housing options, ranging from historic homes in established neighborhoods to newer developments in the suburbs. In general, the real estate market in Louisville is considered affordable compared to other cities of similar size. It is a good idea to research different city areas and consult a real estate agent to find the best options for your needs and budget. Let Amy show you the way!

Hi, I’m Amy Zeitz Bailey and I bring 35 years of experience in Real Estate specifically scenic homes and land sales.
My key strengths include finding a home and its area’s top points which have consistently helped me stay active in the Louisville & surrounding area market to help homeowners and land / homebuyers.
I’m passionate about client’s happiness and I excel at spotting trends of areas.
I’m excited about the opportunity to bring my skills to future customers and contribute to shining a light on our whole area’s parks, museums, gardens, and places of interest.
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About Amy...
If you’re looking for a trusted and experienced Realtor in the area of Louisville, Kentucky, I can help. With over 30 years in the market, I have seen interest rates over 10% range to the ridiculously low rates now. This is going on my fourth decade of helping buyers and sellers literally 1000’s have worked with me and consider us friends for life. I am just as happy if you stay in your home and burn your 30 year mortgage while hopefully referring and sending your family and friends. Many call me up second, third, or fourth times to help them because they know they can feel the assurance that I have been at the table helping in every market.